29 January, 2008

Fruits and Vegetables don't mean what you might think

So, I've been realizing that in Egyptian dialect, the words for fruits and vegetables tend to have alternate meanings. which has the potential to be hilarious, insulting, or just plain confusing. some examples:

bananas = hot girl
melon = coke-head/druggie
day of honey = a good day
day of onions = a bad day
she's a cabbage = she's fat
she's a strawberry = she's sweet
she's grapes = she's thin

1 comment:

Alexander Haddad said...

Yaa Ariel,

This reminds me a lot of the Sicilian culture in which my father's family is steeped. E.g. -

fazoule (bean) = fool
brasciole (a type of pork dish) = annoying or stupid person, usually a woman
mulagnione (eggplant) = derogatory word for black people

You can generally tell how cool a culture is by how many of its dialectical references relate to food. This means Egyptian culture is on par with the greats.

Glad to hear you're having a good time and learning all kinds of useful things. I'm jealous!

Love from Dublin,

yaa haddad