28 January, 2008

Living in Egypt = A lesson in patience

The bureaucracy here is about the most ridiculous thing in the world. At the American University in Cairo, we must get a university ID, a library ID, a gym ID, a dorm ID and a bus ID. each of these has a separate process involving going to several different university locations and waiting on many lines to get a stamp or your pulse taken, etc. And you are invariably sent to the wrong place a few times a long the way. I tried to set up an AUC email account, and I was given a number to take to an office at the university before it could be activated. Apparently no one has had the brilliant idea to have one universal card for students. oh well.

Also, I don't know how anyone makes a living around here. it seems to me that wherever i go there are groups of guys, just hanging out. but hey, if they're having a good time then more power to them.

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