Please allow me to apologize for my delinquency lately. My life got filled up with stuff. somehow that even happened to me in Egypt - I have a problem.
So this post actually took place 2 weeks ago, Saturday.
We wanted to go to the Saqqara pyramids by ourselves because we heard things mish kwais (not good) about the AUC trip. We decided the best plan would be to hire a cab for a day because it would be cheaper and transportation around those big piles of rocks is mish kwais also.
So that's when we found Abdullah. He is awesome. Speaks shwaya (a little) English, and was very helpful with my Arabic. I went with Sabrina and Dan, and Dan gave Abdullah his phone number because he promised to take us to the zoo, on him. (Dan has subsequently ignored his phone calls - we'll have to remedy this soon).
Anyway, the pyramids were pretty sweet. I mean, they're PYRAMIDS. these are the Step ones, the big ones at Giza are visible in the distance. from Saqqara, you can see like 10-15 pyramids dotting the landscape, it's pretty cool, and we also saw some pretty awesome hyroglyphics inside one of them. Not much more to say about pyramids, they're pretty self-explanatory. I took a bunch of pictures, check them out on photobucket. But here are a couple, a preview.

The tunnel down into the burial chamber (pays to be short sometimes):

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